SMM Mission
We believe that the church is the body of Christ and that our aim is to enhance the quality of life to the extent that we prepare those to have a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, family and community. Ultimately igniting each person with a desire to love God forever, therefore, people count in the kingdom of God.
“You can come as you are, but you won’t stay as you are.”
Vision Statement
Our ultimate mission is to win souls for the Kingdom of God.
Empowering people with Godly principles and to live for Christ. Being ambassadors for Christ we challenge people to expect great things from God.
Sunrise Mountain Ministries is a ministry established as an entity of love and faithfulness, teaching all men and women of all ages to love thy neighbor as thyself and to live in peace as commanded.
For our motto is, we count people because people count.
Sunrise Mountain MInistries (SMM) has been under the leadership of senior Pastor Tommy and Louise Green since August of 2001...
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